Rainbow Touch Healing Level 1 & 2 Combo
Sun, Aug 15
Are you ready to awaken to your transformational power within?
Time & Location
Aug 15, 2021, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
About the Event
Cost: $30 -
see paypal link on events page or pay via Paypal (ck555@thelabyrinthoflife.com) venmo (Carolyn-Kaufman-12).
You will get an e-mail with the Zoom info after you register and pay for the course.
Welcome and Welcome back for some, to the next level of Rainbow Touch Healing (RTH)! I am excited to share these new depths and transformational healing with you! Within the center of your being, resides your brilliant Crystal Lotus/Merkaba. This Rainbow Crystal Lotus(RCL) resembles your unique beauty, and magnificence. Once activated it unlocks your own innate Rainbow Touch healing abilities, shield, and offers a connection and pathway to the Crystalline Grid which connects us all. By activating and utilizing your Rainbow Crystal Lotus you raise your vibration, awaken your own innate healing abilities and open yourself up to more of your full potential and inner power. By learning the new healing techniques you can assist in your own healing and empowerment and that of those you share it with and/or work with. This also assists with the on-going evolution and awakening that is happening on our planet at this time.
In this 3 hour class, we will be: Activating your own Rainbow Crystal Lotus/Merkaba, Receiving an RTH attunement Journey through guided meditations for healing, clearing, balancing and trip to the Crystalline Grids. Learn new specific RTH techniques to use on self and others.
Cost: $30 - see paypal link on events page.
You will get an e-mail with the Zoom info after you register and pay for the course.